
5477 Week 6 Assignment (redirected from Assignment Week 5)

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Week #6 - Due by, July 24th


Check you assignment Status Here

Apps you need to complete

    this weeks's assignments:


Your Choice







A. Choose your own Favorites! 


  • Take some time and review your favorite personal apps. As much as we ipadders (word?) like apps for school, there are other apps that are fun and or functional as well.
  • Please share your 3 - 5 favorites and their purposes on edmodo.
  • Respond to others favorites.



B. Aurasma - Create one! 


Aurasma is an augmented reality app that’s changing the way millions of people see and interact with the world.


 **source from http://goo.gl/C7nW8




C. Course Evaluation link 



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