
5477 Week 5 (redirected from March 4)

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Week #5

Due: July 17th


Full Assignment

week #5


Check you assignment status here

PLEASE make sure you are signed up for Diigo. I have resent invitations.


Learning Goals 





Aa. Educational Readings  

 A. ---------------------------->


Choose from 2 articles or

1. Google - "e-books in the k-12 classroom" Read any article that fits your educational strand.


2. Google -  "iTunesU in the k-12 classroom" Read any article that fits your educational strand.


3. Link article and Respond to edmodo ipad group.

a. Explore current iPad practices to enhance personal and professional practice and student learning through professional readings/blogs/online news.

b. Develop an understanding of the iPad and applications in classrooms and instructional planning.


B. Digital books (e-books) and  iTunes U resources 




Wis. Digital Library

ELM (electronic Lib. MN.)

Recommended Picture Books Apps

digital books

a. Explore current iPad practices to enhance personal and professional practice and student learning through professional readings/blogs/online news.

b. Develop an understanding of the iPad and applications in classrooms and instructional planning.






C. iTunesU










Edmodo discussion(s) : 



  • What did you discover about iTunesU? 

  • Link your iTunesU evernote information to your edmodo post that others in our group would find interesting, useful, or just plain cool and add to edmodo library.

  • What iTunesU tool would you choose to use first. Why?



  • What e-book resource did you find fits best in your educational strand. 

  • Link your e-book evernote to your edmodo post that others in our group would find interesting, useful, or just plain cool and add to edmodo library

  • What book did you download for yourself, educational use? 

.Learning Goals

Develop an understanding of the iPad and applications in classrooms and instructional planning.

c. Align pedagogical values with current 21stcentury skills.

d. Manage one or several iPads in the classroom.

e. Integrate current iPad apps into the curriculum to scaffold student learning and develop collaborative learning environments.


D. Learning Log - We will be using our shared EVERNOTE folder. See demo



E. How are you doing?

We will be using our shared EVERNOTE folder. See demo



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