
5477  Week 3

Page history last edited by sheri 10 years, 5 months ago

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Week #3



Links  - Assignments

Learning Goals

and Assessments

link to Assignments  

Week 3   


Check you assignment status here


Next Class Meeting ???



a. Professional Readings/Articles








 CREATE an Account

 Securely receive files from anyone to your Dropbox.

Ever wish you could easily receive big files from anyone? Now you can! 
Together with Dropbox you can setup an unique upload address with password protection. 
DROPitTOme is your one stop solution when an email is just not enough. 
  • Pair Dropbox with dropitto.me – a companion site that works with Dropbox. Sign up for a dropitto.me account. After creating an account, you’ll be asked to link your dropito.me account to your Dropbox account. You’ll get your very own web address for anyone to “drop” documents. Give them the address and the password (the dropitto.me password – not your Dropbox password) and they can drop away!



Pro: This is perfect for those instances when you don’t want everyone to see what is in your Dropbox, but you do want them to drop stuff in it. Kinda like a suggestion box – you drop your suggestion in, and someone takes it out later.

Con: Another password! REALLY! The password you give to your students to use dropitto.me must be different from your Dropbox password – if they’re the same, it kind of defeats the purpose.

Add YOUR dropitto.me to our sheet!  


Blog Rubric


Alternative: Evernote

b. Apps


Bookmarking and adding sites that review grade level and content specific apps and where is the best place to purchase them.


  • Searching for Apps (see homework)


  app shopper link



  • app reviews 
    • Bloooms 
    • iear


Browse Pages & Files »

  c. Learning Log


You will need to save your document after each session. 



To Create new word doc: 

  • Select home, dropbox, select the folder you want to save it in, GPDE 5477, then select your name and now you can add a new  Word Doc. 

  • When you select Word, a new menu appears, asking for you to enter the title.  
  • Underneath that, it will tell you where the file will be saved.


Alternative is Educreations


Choose a couple of your own!











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