will be in Dropbox class folder named "paperwork"
discuss plans for the course
final assignments
rubrics in Dropbox-"paperwork"
Learner's will..
a. Explore current iPad practices to enhance personal and professional practice and student learning through professional readings/blogs/online news.
b. Develop an understanding of the iPad and applications in classrooms and instructional planning.
e. Create an iPad app toolbox listing iPad apps, age/grade/curriculum appropriate for your classroom.
Assignments :
Link to comprehensive information on assignments for
Week #1
Information and syncing
- 3G vs. WiFi (settings)
- create an apple ID (iTunes Account)
- sync your email accounts (settings)
- sync your calendars (settings)

Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring all your photos, docs, and videos anywhere. After you install Dropbox on your computer, any file you save to your Dropbox will automatically save to all your computers, your iPhone and iPad and even the Dropbox website! With the Dropbox app, you can take everything that matters to you on the go.
Learner's will..
a. Explore current iPad practices to enhance personal and professional practice and student learning through professional readings/blogs/online news.
b. Develop an understanding of the iPad and applications in classrooms and instructional planning.
e. Create an iPad app toolbox listing iPad apps, age/grade/curriculum appropriate for your classroom.
Creating an app tool box and adding your first three.
CloudOn was the first to bring Microsoft Office® to your iPad and link it with your Dropbox /Google Drive account.
free use of Microsoft office
use excel to create a App Toolbox
share your toolbox page with me using CloudOn.
Google Drive
Join our edmodo group and tell us a little about your self, what and where you teach and why you are taking this class.
edmodo app
Create an edmodo account
Locate the Plus on the right of groups.
Select the Plus and then JOIN.
Insert join code (gq4gx8) or go to link Join.
Select the folder "GPDE 5477 Summer 2014" and that is our group.
You will see a message on how this app works. Select ->reply and let me know that you have read and understand how to use edmodo .
Edmodo basics tutorial
read for information
Blog Etiquette
Blog Rubric
Learning Log #1
You will need to save your document in dropbox folder after you each session. Please label as: week, (name) LL#1 (date)
1. Select the cloudon app.
2. Select the dropbox
3. Select the file you want to create your doc. in Your 5477 name folder, then open week 1,
4. Once you have opened that folder select the file you want to create by selecting the + on the top right.
5. It would most likely be a word doc.
6. create the doc. and it's handed in already!
How are you doing?
Week #1
Same as above, however you should write about how you are doing. . . Not so much about what you learned and the struggle behind the learning, or that is was better, than the last time it tried it.
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