
Web 2dot0 Tools

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Saved by sheri
on December 11, 2011 at 12:52:19 pm


File Hosting

  • Drop box
  • DROPItTOme - Perfect for droing files to teachers without email addresses.



screencast is a digital recording of computer screen also known as a video screen capture, often containing audio narration. The term screencast compares with the related term screenshot; whereas screenshot is a picture of a computer screen, a screencast is essentially a movie of the changes over time that a user sees on a computer screen, enhanced with audio narration.   


Multimedia/Media Creation 

  • vuvox -create multimedia slideshows, collages, interactive panoramas.

  • OpenZine - Make your own magazine 

  • Media Collage - is a free educational website for all forms of electronic media. We have hundreds of exclusive tutorials covering video & television production, audio work, photography, graphics, web design and more. You'll also find utilities, reference material (e.g. 

user manuals), industry news and a helpful forum.

Everything here is 100% free with no strings attached — we only ask that you respect our terms & conditions. Have fun!

  • PreziCreate astonishing presentations live and on the web
  • Grooveshark - Search for you music, free!
  • SoundBible- Good sound effects -offers free sound clips and may just be the last sample resource you'll ever need. We offer royalty free sounds for video editors, movie scores, ... 


File Conversion



  • Xtranormal- create movies with real characters (needs a login now)

  • Flip book Maker - Create your own flipbook!

  • Zimmer Twins - create a movie

  • Go!Animate 4 Schools -GGoAnimate state-of-art animation tools are perfect to complement your teaching and get your students to put learning into practice Animate state-of-art animation tools are perfect to complement your teaching and get your students to put learning into practice.






Blogs- Please see your administrator and have your AUP updated to include Web 2.0 tools

  • Blogging Etiquette 
  • Plurg - like twitter, but more of a PLN that social.
  • edmodo - super networking site especially created for education. It is awesome!
  • Twiducate - twitter for education, slick and intuitive.
  • edublogs tips and tricks: getting started on your class blog.
  • Jottit - a blogging site without frills: see my example below
  • Blogs - Select for more information - see below for my class blog site and other examples.
  • Class Blogmeister - classroom blog page that is geared specifically for schools, safe
  • 21Classes -Host and manage blogs for your students; Use a Class Homepage to communicate with students; Reviewing capabilities of entries; Advanced privacy





  • google docs - Free web-based word processor and spreadsheet, which allow you share and collaborate online. tutorial
  • Penzu - easy online journalism
  • Etherpad - real time text doc where multiple writers can work simultaneously (acquired by google for google wave)
  • Type With Me


Graphic Organizers




Search Engines

  • all searches have been reviewed by educators 
  • Technorati - search engine for blogs





  • Flickrstorm - online photo search with creative commons/attributions
  • BigHugeLabs - Do fun stuff with your digital photos. Create motivational posters, movie posters,

          magazine covers, badges, mosaics, collages, calendars, frames, and a lot more

  • Picnix - photo editing - easy, fun, different than iphoto.
  • ide@s - Imageide@s offers high-quality, copyright-free digital images for Wisconsin educators.


Visual Literacy

  • glogster- create interactive posters complete with links, animations, movies. . . a must see

  • Got Brainey- great site for vocabulary visual literacy. See examples or movies or pictures.  
  • ANIMOTO- This is way cool - Turn photos into movies with your music - check it outWatch our 60-second Learn More video and a few sample Animoto videos http://animoto.com/learn_more
  • Podcasting - select to find out more information
  • Voice Thread - Presentation slide show that you can add your voice and draw on it too!
  • Ed.VoiceThread - It's a web-based communications network for K-12 students and educators. Simple, powerful and safe, Ed.Voice Thread is a place for creating and collaborating on digital stories and documentaries, practicing and documenting language skills, exploring geography and culture, solving math problems, or simply finding and honing student voices.
  • Slideshare - Share your slideshow with the world or for a private audience.
  • KerPoof - using avatars, Make artwork, Make an animated movie, Make a printed card, t-shirt, or mug, Make a drawing, Tell a storybook by creating a storyboard.
  • Wordle - Beautiful word clouds created from text. The clouds give greater prominence to those words that appear most often.
  • Chart Gizmo - create charts for your website, blog and social network profiles.
  • Photo Effects


Cover it live


Social Networking 

  • Mashable Top Ten social networking sites
  • Ning - social networking, you choose who an visit the site. (We are experimenting with this for a literature circle) I'll keep you posted!
  • edmodo


Social Bookmarking


Research Tools

  •  Diigo - highlight, bookmark, collaborate your web page
  • WolframAlpha - computational knowledge engine
  • Doodle - Schedule an event such as a meeting, conference, or any other group event. 

    View example

  • Prezi - create astonishing presentations


Student e-mail

  • Gaggle free email accounts for students
  • ePals - Safely connect, collaborate and learn using our leading protected email and blog solutions for schools and districts


Online Surveys and Forms

  • Wofu - Free strives to be the easiest way to collect information over the Internet.

Our HTML form builder helps you create contact forms, online surveys, and invitations so you can collect the data, registrations and online payments you need without writing a single line of code.



Best Practices


Keyboarding Lessons


  I would be happy to facilitate an in-service/professional development workshop !

Contact: Sheri Ebert





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