

Podcasting Workshop                    Locations of visitors to this page

Basically, podcasting is broadcasting. A podcast is often scripted ahead, especially when working with students and then usually recorded and converted into a sound file, often in the MP3 format. Podcasts are often listened to with an IPod, where the name podcasting originated, or some other tool or mp3 player. They can also be downloaded and listened to on a computer. Podcasts can be subscribed to using RSS (really simple syndication) feeds that push out the new podcast to your aggregator and then listened to at your convenience. They are often created using something as simple as a phone call or as complex as a laptop with special microphones and mixing software. 

Pay Attention



A Vision of Students Today


7 Things You Should Know About Podcasting


What Everybody Ought to Know about Podcasting: Part ll

Podcasting - a 3 minute tutorial on what and how podcasting works

  YouTube plugin error


Sites to Create Podcasts







Here's a quick podcast that I created with evoka:

slide errorPlugin error: That plugin is not available.



Gcast podcasting 101



Voki - Animated Podcasting




Get a Voki now!



Sites to create vocasts (videocasts)








An aggregator collects your RSS feeds of blogs, podcasts and other resources that offer feeds. You can use aggregators for collecting updates to Del.icio.us accounts, wikis, news, forums, website updates and more.  I usually use Bloglines to collect my information but there are others too.


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This information was creted by techE.

Creative Commons License
TechE/wikiworkshop by Sheri Ebert is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at ebert_s@af.k12.wi.us.